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Well-being Jigsaw

Well-being Jigsaw

Well-being Jigsaw Draw or write in the jigsaw pieces of all the things that you like to do that make you happy. Explain in a few sentences why these things make you happy.
Mental Health Check in Station

Mental Health Check in Station

Use this when children come in the morning, ask children to take a post it note, write their name on it and place it on the chart to visually show the teachers how they feel this morning. Take a post it note, write your name on back and place it next to the rainbow that matches your feelings today. Print it on A3 or A2 as a large poster on the door as they come in. Please let me know what you think. I was inspired by @makingastatementinsped check her Instagram.
Worry Butterflies

Worry Butterflies

This is a mental health activity for children for who may need to express thier worries. What would your worry look like if it was a butterfly? Put your worry in a butterfly and let it fly away. What would your worry look like if was a butterfly? Put your worry in a butterfly and let it fly away. You could draw a pattern or a picture. You could even write something down that you are worrying about.